Friday, October 15, 2010

Dream Book - Day 3

"All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you" (John 14:25-26)

Last night as I was sitting in bed before going to sleep, I decided to read a few more chapters of my dream book. The more I read this book, the easier it is to understand the way the Lord speaks to us.

What I appreciate about obtaining knowledge, is the fact that when you discover something new, its like your entering this new door in your life that reveals so much about yourself. Well, knowledge about dreams that is. I'm learning that the same way Jesus spoke in parables on earth to His disciples, is the same way He speaks to us in dreams. Through parable language. I love this quote from the book I'm reading: "A true dream is the divinely coded parable language of God. Anyone without the Holy Spirit cannot understand this language, even if i appears to be simple."

Wow....about 1/3 of the bible speaks about dreams. Isn't that amazing? Often I used to wonder why it is that dreams are so weird or so random (well in my opinion at least). Now that I have been studying and trying to understand dreams,
they seem to make more sense now, than I ever thought imaginable. Its amazing how God speaks to us. 

"True dreams, as parables of God, require the Holy Spirit's help for understanding them. They reflect the ways of God, so, therefore, they transcend the limits of human understanding. Jesus' disciples were clearly puzzled by the extensive symbolism and parabolic language that He taught in. Like most of us, they asked Him for an explanation. Jesus explained meanings to them in private and also promised that the Holy Spirit would help them know what they might not have understood. Therefore, it is scriptural to seek the understanding of a dream whose meaning may not immediately be clear. 
Here is how the Holy Spirit helps us to interpret dreams:
1. By giving a word of knowledge regarding God's mind in sending the dream
2. By the gift of interpretation
3. By acquiring the interpretative skills

So if you aren't practicing any of the above, how can you honestly understand your dreams? How can you truly understand what the Lord is saying to you?

"God speaks to us in many ways. And no matter how He decides to speak, it is important that we hear the voice of God for ourselves. Hearing God's voice is not an option, but a bare necessity of life. Our relationship with God is, first and foremost, dependent upon our ability to hear and discern His voice. Many perish because they can not hear God's voice, and, therefore, are unable to usher His counsel into the realities of their lives.

True dreams speak to the dreamer on a personal level, and true dreams are the indirect voice of God on a personal level. Two ways the Lord speaks to us or should I say, two ways of hearing the voice of God are through the Logos and Rhema Word of God. The logos Word (the written bible) is what God is saying to every one, but what He says to an individual on a personal level is the rhema Word of God.

I'll get into the rhema word later on today (for those of you who are interested). But for now, I'll leave you with that little bit to chew on. Next time you dream, remember, the Lord is speaking to you through parables, so don't dismiss the dream because you don't understand it, but rather seek the Lord for the understanding and interpretation of it. We spend so much time asking God to speak to us, but when He does through dreams, we don't even recognize it. I really do encourage everyone out there (whoever you may be) to write your dreams down, and ask the Lord what He's revealing to you!

Joel 2:28 (NKJ) - 28. "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions..."


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