Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My fall decorating kick lol

So I decided to decorate my apartment and take my fall/winter season on a journey lol. I figure each year I am always trying new ideas and new recipes....maybe I could blog about that too. So I'll post up some pics and videos of my adventures in the fall / winter season. ;o)

 My cute little pilgrim girl (this lights up)
pretty bouquet for my living room
 my dining table bouquet
 pretty candles with fall decor
pumpkin spice tea light candles

my pretty fall wreath


  1. Beautiful! I've been feeling it too. Can't wait to get in my new house and let the fall fun begin. Wish I could do bouquets, but my little ones always get into it and ruin! Just a couple more years, though and I think that will be over. :)

  2. Awe...well at least a fall wreath and candles in places they can't reach? Or just the smell of pumpkin spice. I also have candles called autumn fireside or something like that...and they smell like burning wood (but in a good way) sooo smells good!
