Gosh what a long week it has been. It started to be just a non-stop week of activities, work etc. It has been very stressful at times, but some times throughout the week were just wonderful. I would go to class sometimes frustrated and leave just as happy as could be. Sometimes, it takes a smile from someone else to brighten up my day....and as a dance instructor, there are lots of smiling people in class and they make me laugh so hard sometimes. It puts my worries on pause for a while.
At times, I think I have it all under control.....but then I get a quick text, or email or even message on the web that changes everything around. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I guess the bottom line is to figure out how to handle every situation that comes my way. In a way, its like God's way of taking you from glory to glory. Either way, its just a way to learn and to grow.
Lately, I have been hitting prayer harder than usual at the House of Prayer. I have my long list of petitions and prayers for people around me. I pray from a range of subjects like the president, to someone that messaged me on facebook. I pray for friends, family, strangers.....just everything. I feel like the more I pray about everyone and everything.......the harder they get hit with situations. I am sure the enemy is pretty pissed that I am praying for people.
Whatever the situation may be, I just need the Lord to give me strength. Strength to keep pressing on through tough situations. It almost gives me a holy anger. When I feel that way, I want to just war in the heavens even more. I am sick of struggling, and I am sick of seeing others struggle.
I keep hearing the same scriptures in my head and in my spirit........
"Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
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