Ok, so today I decided to start a new blog. I used to have a different one when I blogged from the night watch. But since I don't do the night watch here at the Orlando House of Prayer anymore, I figured to start fresh. I guess this is just a way to get some of those thoughts in my head out and into cyberspace.
I guess my point to all this is just, that I am sitting here in the prayer room, thinking about my own walk with the Lord and the person that I am. Meaning, my character. If we are to live a life of humility, then that means, dying to ones' self. Basically learning how to give up my "me, me me" mentality, and being more about "what can I do for others, or how can I serve others". Ok, so that may be a little confusing to someone who doesn't understand the life of Christ, but its the only way I can explain whats in my head. I realize that I as a person, am quite opinionated. That I definitely have to change about myself. Its so difficult for me to keep my mouth shut. I know that is high on my priority list of change. I also get annoyed by people easily lately. I know that I have to work on that. I know God is using people around me, to teach me humility. Its not easy to choke back my comments or feelings of annoyance. I find myself continually just stopping to correct myself or being frustrated with myself after I let my mouth just run off with opinions or what not. This humility thing, is quite a challenge for me.
Here is an excerpt from the book: "This is the true self-denial to which our Savior calls us, the acknowledgment that self has nothing good in it, except as an empty vessel which God must fill, and that its claim to be or do anything may not for a moment be allowed. it is in this, above and before everything, in which the conformity to Jesus consists, the being and doing nothing of ourselves, that God may be all." Ok, now with a statement like that....how can you not be floored!
One thing I do enjoy about humility is the serving part. I am a giver. I love to give to people. I love being able to help people out with whatever they are going through. That is definitely part of my character I love. If I see someone in need, and its in my ability to give or help out somehow, I usually do. I don't like to hord things to myself and see others wishing and wanting. I would rather give it to someone else if its in my heart at that moment. My husband sometimes gets frustrated with me because I am always giving away shoes and clothes. I will give whatever I can away. I guess if I can't financially be able to give in my current state, then material things are next in line to give away. Its all I can do for now. Hopefully some day that will change.
Anyway, as I sit here in the prayer room, listening to Tito sing his worship with the word set, and as I read this book, I will continue to write my thoughts in my blog. (sigh....) I have a long way to go in my humility endeavors. This is pretty much step one.
At 6:00 is the intercession set. I plan on praying as much as I can for everything......and also just giving my heart to the Lord...and saying "fix me, cause I'm basically broken as can be". Until then.....chapter 4 is next...(gulp)!
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