Monday, March 30, 2009

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning

Wow, I just got a call from my mom. She gave me terrible news that my brothers closest friend, Ruben, just died yesterday in a terrible accident. I'm pretty much in shock right now. She was crying on the phone trying to tell me about it. Its strange....I was just at the store, walking around quietly and I heard in my spirit the words "weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Oddly enough, the thought came to my mind about death, as if someone was going to die....or this case....already died.

My mom has this amazing gift of the spirit. She has the calling of a prophetic intercessor. She prays and God shows her things and speaks to her every day. There are times I talk to her and tell her things and she already knew before I told her. The worldly view of this gift in its distortion of the word of God, would be called psychic. But I have always learned that the things of the Lord were original and made for good and the enemy comes and takes what was made for good and distorts it for the benefit of the world. Anything that doesn't glorify the Lord, is in itself used for evil. You either for the Lord, or for the world. There is no in between.

She is just so sad and shocked because she said she just gave Ruben a hug a few days ago. He was just at my moms house with my brother. Its sad. One day you are here, and the other day you are gone....just like that. I told my mom that life is so quick here on earth. That is why I spend my time at the house of prayer, interceding and praying for others and myself. I spend my time investing in what means so much to me.....ETERNITY. So many people wonder why Ralph and I spend time at the House of Prayer on a weekly basis. My response to that is....we are only here for a short while. Most people don't make it to live past 90 years old if that. So our time here on earth is short and temporary. But our lives after being here on earth will be eternal. I am a firm believer in the word of God, and I truly believe it is the Truth of the Lord. Why invest so much time into material things like 401k's and big houses and fancy cars. Or why invest all your money into things like a golf club collection or ebay collectors items....when there are people on this earth starving to death and suffering from diseases they can't afford to treat. Or what about people that are investing their time and money into such selfish things instead of investing it in others who are less fortunate and in need? I invest my time and whatever little bit of money I have, to the house of prayer. A place where people pray, and worship the Lord and help the homeless, and feed the hungry. A place where anyone can come and be prayed for when they are suffering whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual.

My mom totally agrees with me on that. She just knew that something was going to happen. Its the mercy and grace of the Lord that my brother isn't dead right now. Ruben called him that very day, and asked him to come hang out for a while. My brother refused to go for whatever reason. I know that it was the prayers of his mother and sister that he didn't get in that car and go with Ruben and his friend. Because that same day, Ruben and his friend both died. The Lord is gracious and merciful. Ik now that many people don't believe in the Lord. They think its just a waste of time, but I have seen the hand of the Lord in my life....and its amazing. God is so good....we can't even fathom the greatness of His love and His beauty.

Life is so short....and Eternity is forever! Ruben will be missed....I just pray for his wife and kids he left behind. Lord, give them strength and peace that surpasses all understanding.

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