Monday, April 20, 2009

Onething Conference

Onething 09 finally came and went! I had such a blast. It was my first time going to a Onething conference and it was everything I imagined and more. I loved it!

We started out by loading up our vehicles with equipment this past Friday, (to move the prayer room over to the conference) and heading out to Iglesia El Calvario where the conference was taking place. When we got there, we started setting up the prayer room area as soon as possible because on Friday there was a prayer watch from 5-8pm with Joanne. So once we got that taken care of, we were running around taking care of whatever needed to be taken care of. There were volunteers running the registration tables, the bookstores, ushering, seating area, and information booths. It was a very busy day.

The conference started right at 7:00pm and Matt Gilman was leading worship for the first session. I never get tired of hearing Matt Gilman lead worship. He's just so anointed. The once that was done, Wes was the first speaker to come up speak at that session. It was awesome....until......Ralph remembered that he has to be on the other side of town to run his student training team practice. Ugh....we frantically got up and left to drive to E. Colonial for practice. It was already an exhausting day to begin with, and it just got worse when we had to go workout and dance for two hours.

When we left practice we were so exhausted that both of us were trying to stay away to drive home. It was a long day. Plus, we had to wake up early for the first session on Saturday for Onething.

That Saturday we both ended up missing the first session from lack of sleep and exhaustion. We both got ready quickly and left to the conference. Once we were there it was like round two of running around............but before that happened, we had to sing at the 12:00 watch with Melany. I must say, that was the best watch we have ever had. I was expecting everyone to be at lunch out and about during that two hours but the prayer room was packed with people that were fully engaged with the worship with the word set we did. It was so great. I loved it.

The next session after that was the breakout session for leaders and latinos lol....seriously that is what it was for. After that, the evening session started. Justin Rizzo was the worship leader Saturday night and man....oh man...........can that man worship. I absolutely love the way Justin Rizzo leads worship. It was amazing! Then Duane Roberts did the night session about the end times and the houses of prayer. I was just in amazement at the way he explains things. It was wonderful!

In all, the conference was just awesome....and I can't wait to go to the Onething conference in Kansas City for New Years!

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