Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Training Team Practice

My hubby is running the training team practice every Tuesday and Friday night until July. Its a lot of hard work but also lots of fun. So whats a training team? Well, in salsa class you begin at the first level which is Beginners 1....then you work your way through the levels until you reach Advanced 2. Once you've gotten to that level, you then have the option to audition for the student training team. On that team, you train twice a week to go further than your usual class levels. The bonus is that you get to perform at the end of the training period (which usually consists of 4-5 months).

Last night Ralph introduced the song that they will be performing. I love it. Its instrumental and very musical. No words which I love. Sometimes, just the words alone, throw off the entire routine so I'm actually happy that he chose a song that has no words. Its actually a very classy salsa song. Not the usual studio type of songs that you hear lately. Either way, its a great song and I am so excited about the performance that they are going to put together for the Salsa Congress this Summer.

I will be taking lots of pictures throughout the season so they can see their progress. Maybe video tape it here and there as well. Plus, its nice to have a visual of where you started and how far you've come since the beginning of the training process. The only difficult part for Ralph and I, is that we get home late and end up waking up later or having less sleep. Thats tough. Anyway, we will get through it. I'm looking forward to whats to come!

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