Friday, October 29, 2010

Dancing at Spanish Festival - Calle Orange

My Wifey breaking it down @ Calle Orange
This is our boss (owner of Salsa Heat Dance Studios, Mike Barbieri) dancing at Calle Orange. I said WEPA like 50 times in this video

Before you begin reading please note my punctuation isn't the best so if you find yourself turning blue because I haven't had a period or comma for a paragraph or longer FEEL FREE to take a deep breath at any moment and keep reading...

Ok so every year Rachel and I go to The Calle Orange festival. We HAVE TO be there every year because we are instructors with Salsa Heat Dance studios and we own a Salsa Heat location otherwise I trully wouldn't pay to go. Now as a Christian Calle Orange is not the easiest thing to stomach. Mainly because Half of the women there were wearing less fabric then my Nephew, Did I mention my nephew is only 1 and a half. Now if that wasn't enough there are Drunk Guys trying to cop-a-feel on any chick that walks by and if you decide your going to watch one of the regge-ton concerts be aware you might get yourself in a gang fight because you wore there colors. (just kidding about that last part) . Its is definitely a day to remember. For the most part we end up staying at the Salsa Heat booth. We ask all of our students to come out and represent and if they wear a SH Shirt the get a free class card. Now you have to love the older generation that believe they know everything there is to know about Salsa and they could teach you a few things if you let them. We always hear the"Oh i know how to dance salsa already,my uncle/dad taught me when I was a kid or "Oh I already know how to dance Salsa I have been dancing Salsa since I was a fetus<~~~ just joking and over-exaggerating if you haven't notice I like to do that sometimes so please don't take it the wrong way. But anyway In all that we see we end up having a great time hanging out and having our own SH party with the other SH instructors, Mike and Karen and all the students or previous students we haven't seen in years. Hope you like the Videos...

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